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Posts by bevaseder

  • List of Towns and Villages in Ido/Osi LGA

    IDO-EKITI DISTRICT Ayetoro Ekiti Igbole Ekiti Ilogbo Ekiti Osi Ekiti Usi Ekiti ORIN-EKITI DISTRICT Aaye Ekiti Ifisin-Ekiti Ilogun Odo-Ora Oke-Ora Ora-Ekiti IFAKI DISTRICT Igbira Camp Ipole Obaji Odo Oba-Aladesusi Okalawa […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Esan West LGA

    Ubiaja              Eguare-Ubiaja             Eko-Bekor             Erhomosele Camp             Evbohen             Evbovobanosa             Idigun             Idohanelen             Idomehan             Idumebor             Idumogbo             Idumoshodin             Idumosoh             Idumowemhen             Igbira […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Okeigbo LGA

    Agunla District              Adebaso             Adekunle             Adeoba             Agunla             Aiyegun             Akinbobola             Akingbami I & II             Akingbe             Akinmadewa             Akinmisiola             Akinsulure             Akinye- Oja […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Esan North-East LGA

    Esan North-East (Uromi/Uzea) is a town and Local Government Area located in Edo state of Nigeria Uromi              Amedokhian             Arue             Awo             Efandion             Egbele             Eguare-Uromi             Eko Ibadin             […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Esan Central LGA

    Irrua              Afuda             Agwa             Akho             Atuagbo             Eguare             Ekillor             Eko-Akhahuabhalu             Eko-Iyobhebhe             Eko-Oguanlen             Eko-Uwaya             Eku-Obhiosa             Ibhiolulu             Ibore             Ididigba             […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Ese-Odo LGA

    Ukparama1 1/ Arogbo 1 District 1             Ajakirigbene             Akina Zion             Asere             Baikiri             Bibokepiri             Demiyen-Gbene             Dinokumo             Epemubou             Gbagi-Gbini             Iyorubugbini             Jongha-Gbini             […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Soba LGA

    1 Maigana • Select Town • M. Yahaya • Ang. Galla • Damari • Fagachi • Fari-Kaa • Gimba • Goirawa • Hayin Kinkiba • Kin-kiba • Kuzai • Kwai […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Ilaje LGA

    Ilaje is a Local Government Area in Ondo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Igbokoda. Ugbo Kingdom District             Abetobo zion             Abokiti             Ago Alufa             […]

  • List of Towns and Villages in Sanga LGA

    1 Fadan Karshi • Andakure • Ankirin • Bom B. • C & D • Dogon Daji • Doromiya • Gimi Dogora • Hayen Dem • Janagwa • Kabau • […]
