All posts by bevaseder

List of Towns and Villages in Aiyedade L.G.A

Ile Ogbo District

  1.             Aderibigbe
  2.             Balogun
  3.             Ile Ogbo
  4.             Lemomu
  5.             Olukohun

Kuta District

  1.             Aba Akan
  2.             Aba Olodo
  3.             Agbanda
  4.             Arugbede
  5.             Edoro
  6.             Eleja
  7.             Gboyi
  8.             Igboawu
  9.             Konko
  10.             Kuta
  11.             Odoogun
  12.             Ojegeba
  13.             Oke Osun
  14.             Otaawodi
  15.             Seke
  16.             Songba

List of Local Government Area In Osun State

Olupona District

  1.             Aba Jagun
  2.             Ajagbangba
  3.             Akuru
  4.             Alagbaa
  5.             Alawo
  6.             Alawusa
  7.             Alaya
  8.             Eleegun
  9.             Idi Ogun
  10.             Lagesin
  11.             Lanye
  12.             Molosu
  13.             Monfu
  14.             Moye
  15.             Odunfa
  16.             Ologiri
  17.             Olokun
  18.             Oloosa
  19.             Oloro
  20.             Olosokun
  21.             Olota Baale
  22.             Olubu
  23.             Olukotun
  24.             Olupona
  25.             Onigbongbo

List of Towns and Villages in Osun State

 Oke Osun (Alabata) District

  1.             Aba Alaya
  2.             Aba Baale
  3.             Aba Igbira
  4.             Abani Kanda
  5.             Abi-Ilu
  6.             Abimbola
  7.             Adogba
  8.             Agba
  9.             Agbodowu
  10.             Ajadi
  11.             Ajegbendele
  12.             Ajigbagun
  13.             Akiru
  14.             Alabata
  15.             Alagbade
  16.             Alakeji
  17.             Alalubosa
  18.             Alamo
  19.             Alatise
  20.             Alawo
  21.             Aragba
  22.             Arindu
  23.             Aro Tarapin
  24.             Asipa Elefon
  25.             Baase
  26.             Babalawo
  27.             Bole
  28.             Dalemo
  29.             Ekerin
  30.             Eleegun
  31.             Eleji Oweeru
  32.             Elesin
  33.             Fagbolu
  34.             Gbojona
  35.             Idi-Iroko
  36.             Igberinwo
  37.             Ile Eran
  38.             Jagun labu Akinbami
  39.             Molamoyin
  40.             Okeelu
  41.             Olodo
  42.             Olota
  43.             Olowu
  44.             Olubooku
  45.             Onigangan
  46.             Onilete
  47.             Oosa Awoyale
  48.             Osolo
  49.             Osunwoyin
  50.             Owotoroka
  51.             Segbodile
  52.             Telemu

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List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List of Osun State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Oruk Anam LGA

Inen District

  1. Asakpa
  2. Ekefe
  3. Etok Inen
  4. Etok Nkwo
  5. Ikot Akpaya
  6. Ikot Eduep
  7. Ikot Ekon
  8. Ikot Ekpuk
  9. Ikot Ese
  10. Ikot Eteye
  11. Ikot Etim
  12. Ikot Ibram
  13. Ikot Ndo
  14. Ikot Obio Idang
  15. Ikot Offiong
  16. Mbiaso
  17. Nto Udo-Akpan
  18. Oku Uruk
  19. Okukuk

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

Obio Akpa District

  1. Akpa
  2. Ata Essien Obio
  3. Ata Obio Akpa
  4. Aya Obio Akpa
  5. Ikot Eka Ide
  6. Ikot Idiaha
  7. Ikot Ukpong Obiokpong
  8. Ntak Obio Akpa
  9. Ntenge Akana
  10. Okpokoro
  11. Warife

Ibesit Nung Ikot District

  1. Anwa Udo
  2. Eteben
  3. Idung Ntuk Uma
  4. Ikot Akama
  5. Ikot Akpan Nsek
  6. Ikot Akpan Udo
  7. Ikot Iba
  8. Ikot Idem
  9. Ikot Ikpene
  10. Ikot Ndo
  11. Ikot Oku
  12. Ikot Omono
  13. Ikot Oto
  14. Ikot Owuk
  15. Ikot Udo Offiong
  16. Ikot Udoro
  17. Ikot Ukpong Obio
  18. Itung Ekpip
  19. Kpong
  20. Okpotoro
  21. Warite

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Nung Ikot District

  1. Eka-Nung-Ikot
  2. Ikot-Oku-Usung
  3. Nung Ikot Obiodo
  4. Nung-Ikot-Assanga
  5. Nung-Ikot-Urua-Ekpo

Nung Ita District

  1. Ikot Akpan
  2. Ikot Essien
  3. Ikot Inyang
  4. Ikot Ntuk
  5. Ikot Obio Enin Atai
  6. Ikot Obio Enin-Udobia
  7. Ikot Obio Nkan
  8. Ikot Obio Oruk
  9. Ikot Okoro

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Ndot District

  1. Afaha Obo-Ikot Ito
  2. Akapa Akpa Ewe
  3. Ibianga
  4. Ikot Akpa Inyang
  5. Ikot Etim – Ibesit
  6. Ikot Idem Udo
  7. Ikot Ntuen
  8. Ikot Obio Nsu
  9. Ikot Osukpong
  10. Ikot Ubo
  11. Ikot Udo Idem
  12. Ikot Ukpong Etor
  13. Inen Abasi Atai
  14. Inen Atan
  15. Inen Ikot Obiom
  16. Inen Ikot-Essien
  17. Inen Nsai
  18. Ito
  19. Mbiakot
  20. Ndo Ikot-Eda
  21. Ndon Ikot – Umo-Iden
  22. Ndot Usung Idim
  23. Nto Onio-Idang
  24. Nto Udo Akpan
  25. Nung Oku Ubo 1
  26. Nung Oku Ubo II
  27. Obio Ebiet Nkanka
  28. Obio Ibiet Esa
  29. Obio Ndot
  30. Uruk Otong
  31. Usung Atiat Ubo

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Ibesit District

  1. Ata Ntak
  2. Edem idim Ibesit
  3. Ibesit Ekoi
  4. Ikot Afanga
  5. Ikot Akam
  6. Ikot Akpam
  7. Ikot Akpan Mbure
  8. Ikot Esikan
  9. Ikot Essien
  10. Ikot Offiong
  11. Ikot Oko Etok
  12. Ikot Okpong
  13. Ikot udo Aduak
  14. Ikot udo Etok
  15. Isama
  16. Ntak Ibesit
  17. Nto Adua
  18. Uruk Enung
  19. Uruk Obong

Complete List Of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Akparakwa District

  1. Ediene Atai
  2. Ediene Ikot-Ebom
  3. Ekparakwa
  4. Ika Annang
  5. Ikot Akan
  6. Ikot Akpa Osung
  7. Ikot Akpan Eda
  8. Ikot Eshiet
  9. Ikot Inyang
  10. Ikot Ntuen
  11. Ikot Obong-Akan
  12. Itung Ikot-Ndem
  13. Mbon Ebre
  14. Ukpom Edem Iyang

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Abak/Midim District

  1. Ediene Ikot Iyang
  2. Ekot Ediene
  3. Enuekoro
  4. Ikot Adia
  5. Ikot Akpakpan
  6. Ikot Akpan
  7. Ikot Akpan Essien
  8. Ikot Akpan Etedue
  9. Ikot Akpan Ntia
  10. Ikot Akpan Otuk
  11. Ikot Akpan Udo
  12. Ikot Eda
  13. Ikot Esenam
  14. Ikot Inuen
  15. Ikot Mbong
  16. Ikot Obio Asan
  17. Ikot Obio Atara
  18. Ikot Obio-Aduak
  19. Ikot Oko
  20. Ikot osute
  21. Ikot Otok
  22. Ikot Otu
  23. Ikot Owobo
  24. Ikot Ukpo
  25. Ikot Ukpong-Obiose
  26. Ikot Uso Etok
  27. Ikot Utiat
  28. Manta
  29. Offot
  30. Otung Aya
  31. Uikot Ukpong Eren
  32. Ukpom
  33. Ute Ekuk
  34. Utu Ikot Iwara
  35. Utu Ikot Obio Ekpe

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages In Jigawa State

• List of Towns and Villages In Auyo L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Birniwa L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Babura L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Buji L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Birnin Kudu L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Dutse L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Gumel L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Gwaram L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Gwiwa L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Gagarawa L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Guri L.G.A.
• List of Towns and Villages In Garki L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Hadejia L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Jahun L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Kiri Kasamma L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Kafin Hausa L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Kazaure L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Kiyawa L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Kaugama L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Malam Madori L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Miga L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Maigatari L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Roni L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Ringim L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Sule Tankarkar L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Taura L.G.A.
•List of Towns and Villages In Yankwashi L.G.A.

List of Towns and Villages in Obot Akara LGA

Obot Akara District


Abiakpo Ibo

Abiakpo Ikot

Abiakpo Ikot-Obio Nting

Atai Ikwen

Esa Iken

Ikot Abasi Eyop

Ikot Abia Osom

Ikot Atasung

Ikot Ntuen

Ikot Utin

Ikot Utu

Ikot Utu Ikot Akpan

Ikpe Mbak Eyop

Ikpe Usung-Ita

Ikwen Ikot Udom

Inyang I

Inyang II

Mkpa Uno

Nko Nto Okono

Nkpo Nto Nkoboho

Nsit Ikpe

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Nto Ekpu

Nto Ndung

Nto Obio Ikang

Oku Obom

Uto Ekpu Ikot

Utu Ikot

Ikot Abia District

Abak Ukpom

Abiakpo Idiaha

Abiakpo Ikot Abasi-Inyang

Ama Okop


Ikot Abia

Ikot Akpan-Enuek

Ikot Ikok

Ikot Moboho

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

Ikot Obo Nto

Ikot Obuk

Ikot Ukpong Ikot Udan

Ikot Upeng

Ikot-Udom Anwa


Mbat Esifon

Nto Eton

Ntong Uno

Obon Ukwa I

Obon Ukwa II


Unik Osung

Itu Edino District


Abasi Eduo

Abiakipo Nkap

Abiakpo Ikot-

Abiakpo Ikot-Ukam

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Atan Ibong

Edem Idem Okpo Eto

Ibom Uruk


Ikot Essien

Ikot Eyem

Ikot Ide

Ikot Idem Udo

Ikot Mba

Ikot Mem

Ikot Oku

Ikot Osom

Ikot Udo Nto-Ide

Ikot Ukana

Nto Asiak

Nto Edino Obot

Nto Ekpe

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Nto Esu

Nto Ide

Nto Ide Anwa-Effiat

Nto Obio Iwok

Nto Omen

Okpo Eto Ikot Imo


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List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages in Imo State

List of Towns and Villages in Okobo LGA

Okobo is located in the south south of Nigeria and is a Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

Eta District

  1. Afaha Nsung
  2. Akanawana
  3. Amamong
  4. Anua Okopedi
  5. Ape Amamong
  6. Atai Amamong
  7. Atai Atai Otope
  8. Atipa Odobo
  9. Atipa Okopedi
  10. Ebighi Eta
  11. Ekpene Ekim Eta
  12. Ibawa
  13. Mbieduo
  14. Nsating
  15. Nung Atai Eta
  16. Nung Udom Odobo
  17. Obufi

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

Odu District

  1. Akiba Obo
  2. Anua Ekeya
  3. Ebighi Edu
  4. Ebighi Okobo
  5. Ekpene Ekim
  6. Esuk Inwang
  7. Idibi Enin
  8. Nda
  9. Nung Ukana
  10. Obot Inwang
  11. Ube
  12. Ufok Esuk

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Atabong District

  1. Ikot Iquo
  2. Ikot Odiong
  3. Ikot Okokon
  4. Ikot Osukpong

Ukwong District

  1. Afaha Osu
  2. Ebighi Anwa Ikpi
  3. Ebighi Anwa Oro
  4. Etieke Udong Eto
  5. Eweme
  6. Eyo Nku
  7. Itak Uyati
  8. Mbukpo Oduobo
  9. Ndoung
  10. Osu Offi
  11. Oti Oron
  12. Otieke
  13. Ubak
  14. Utine Eyekung
  15. Utine Ndoung

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Ebughu District

  1. Eyede
  2. Ikono
  3. Itak Ekim
  4. Nsie
  5. Uruting

Okiuso District

  1. Akai Nyo
  2. Isa Okiuso
  3. Itak Okiuso
  4. Udung Afiang
  5. Udung Amkpe
  6. Udung Ukpong
  7. Udung Ulo
  8. Udung Umo

Ibighi District

  1. Afaha Akai
  2. Atiabang
  3. Oyoku Assang
  4. Urue Ita

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List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Nsit Ubium/Nsit Ibom LGA

Ndiya District

  1. Afia Nsit Atai
  2. Ikot Abasi-Ufat
  3. Ikot Akpaofuk
  4. Ikot Edibon
  5. Ikot Ewang
  6. Ikot Inyang Eti
  7. Ikot Obio Ndua
  8. Ikot Ukap
  9. Ndiya Usung Inyang

Ubium Nouth District

  1. Atiam Kpat
  2. Edem Idim Okpot
  3. Ikot Akpan-Abia
  4. Ikot Ekwere
  5. Ikot Esen
  6. Ikot Eyo
  7. Ikot Oduatang
  8. Ikot Okwot
  9. Ikot Osom
  10. Mbiekene
  11. Ndukpo Ise

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Mbiaso Clan District

  1. Afaha Abia
  2. Afaha Ikot
  3. Afaha Ikot Ede
  4. Afaha Ntup
  5. Afaha Ofiong
  6. Afia Nsit II
  7. Edebom
  8. Ikot Akpan
  9. Ikot Akpan Etang
  10. Ikot Ebre
  11. Ikot Nya
  12. Ikot Obio Asanga
  13. Ikot Obio Etan
  14. Ikot Odiong
  15. Mbiaso
  16. Mbikporo II
  17. Nkwot

Itreto District

  1. Atan
  2. Ikot Akan
  3. Ikot Ansang
  4. Ikot Ede
  5. Ikot Ekpan
  6. Ikot Etim
  7. Ikot Etobo
  8. Ikot Iyire
  9. Ikot Okobo
  10. Usung Inyand

Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Complete Towns & Villages List

Ibia Akpan/Obotim Clan District

  1. Edebom
  2. Ibiakpan
  3. Ikot Ada Okp
  4. Ikot Akpabon
  5. Ikot Akpan Ibakpan
  6. Ikot Edikpe
  7. Ikot Ekpene Udo
  8. Ikot Imo
  9. Ikot Udo Ime
  10. Ikot Ukobo
  11. Ikpatu
  12. Ntiti Oton
  13. Ukat Atan

Asoang Clan District

  1. Afaha nsit I
  2. Afia Nsit I
  3. Anyam Nsit
  4. Asang
  5. Ekpene Ukpan
  6. Ikat Nsit
  7. Ikot Asat
  8. Ikot Idem
  9. Ikot Ntan Nsit
  10. Ikot Ntuem
  11. Ikot Obio Edim
  12. Ikot Obok
  13. Ikot Ofiok-Nsit
  14. Ikot Ofiong Nsit
  15. Ikot Oku Nsit
  16. Ikot Otong-Nsit
  17. Mbak Nsit I
  18. Mbiakot
  19. Miokporo Obio Nsit
  20. Nditung Nsit
  21. Nduo Eduo
  22. Obiokpok
  23. Obo Atai
  24. Obo Etim
  25. Obo Etok
  26. Obo Ikot Ita
  27. Obo Ntong
  28. Okukuk
  29. Okwo Nsit
  30. Ukat Nsit
  31. Ukot Nsit

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

Ubium South District

  1. Akai
  2. Ekpene Ukim
  3. Ibiemin
  4. Ikot Akpa Eno
  5. Ikot Akpa Mba
  6. Ikot Edok
  7. Ikot Enwana
  8. Ikot Nkor
  9. Ikot Ntung
  10. Ikot Okoro
  11. Ikot Okpodo
  12. Ikot Okpyot
  13. Ikot Ubo
  14. Ikot Udo Ide
  15. Ikot Udo Iton
  16. Ikot Uso
  17. Mbat Uno
  18. Nung Obong
  19. Obio Ekit
  20. Obio Ubium
  21. Odoro Atasung
  22. Ukat

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List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

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Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Nsit Atai LGA

Nsit Atai District

  • Adia Nsit
  • Akpang Offop
  • Etobodom
  • Ibakang
  • Ibedu
  • Ibiakpan
  • Idiaba
  • Idifa
  • Idikpa
  • Idikpa Ikot Ntung
  • Ikot Abasi
  • Ikot Abiaenyie
  • Ikot Abiyan
  • Ikot Akpabio
  • Ikot Akpan Ike
  • Ikot Asua

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

  • Ikot Ebita
  • Ikot Edebe
  • Ikot Edong
  • Ikot Eket
  • Ikot Ekpot
  • Ikot Esen
  • Ikot Esop
  • Ikot Essien
  • Ikot Inyang
  • Ikot Itie-Udong
  • Ikot Mkpo
  • Ikot Nkpene
  • Ikot Ntuen
  • Ikot Obon Nsit
  • Ikot Otu
  • Ikot Ubok Udom
  • Ikot Udofia
  • Ikot Ukpong
  • Ikot Uyo Nsit
  • Iwok Atai
  • Iwok Nsit
  • Iwok Obio Aduang
  • Nda Nsit
  • Ndisiak
  • Ndon Ekpe

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

  • Ndon Ikot Itie-Udung
  • Ndon Omun
  • Odot No.1
  • Odot No.2
  • Odot No.3
  • Okoro Atai
  • Okoro Nsit
  • Ubetim
  • Udofia
  • Unyehe Nsit

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Mbo LGA

Afaha Okpo District

  1. Ekiebong
  2. Eyo Efai
  3. Eyo Ukut
  4. Ibete
  5. Ibuet Ikot
  6. Uba
  7. Ubotuong
  8. Udini
  9. Udombo
  10. Udung Eyo Adaeba
  11. Uko Akpan

Effiat District

  1. Akpa Nkanua
  2. Akwa Obio Effiat
  3. Asiok Obufa
  4. Esuk Anwang
  5. Ibuot Utan
  6. Ine Inua Abasi
  7. Inua Abasi
  8. James Town
  9. Mbe Ndoro
  10. Obio Iyata
  11. Obong Nim
  12. Usuk Effiat
  13. Utan Antai
  14. Utan Brama
  15. Utan Udombo
  16. Utang Efiong

Complete List Of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Nkwong Distrist

  1. Akai Ati
  2. Akai owu
  3. Akprang
  4. Eprang Udo
  5. Ibaka (Uda)
  6. Isong Inyang
  7. Kprang (Uda)
  8. Mkpang Utong
  9. Offi (Uda)
  10. Onukim (Uda)
  11. Osu Udesi
  12. Udung Eyo Unyenge
  13. Uke Nteghe
  14. Utit Atai Unyenge

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Ibiaku District

  1. Esa Ekpo
  2. Ibekwe-Akpan Nya
  3. Ibiaku Esa Ekpo
  4. Ikot Abasi Akpan
  5. Ikot Abia Enin
  6. Ikot Aka
  7. Ikot Ata/Nung Ikono
  8. Ikot Ekpenyong.
  9. Ikot Idiong
  10. Ikot Itina
  11. Ikot Ntot
  12. Ikot-Akpabong
  13. Ikot-Ebak
  14. Minya Ntak
  15. Ndot/Abat Nya
  16. Nya Odiong

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

Ikpo Ikono District

  1. Asana
  2. Ekpuk
  3. Ibianga
  4. Iffe
  5. Ikot Abia-Utok
  6. Ikot Afang
  7. Ikot Eda
  8. Ikot Ekpaw
  9. Ikot Enyienge
  10. Ikot Esen Akpan Ntuen
  11. Ikot Mkpeye
  12. Ikot Obio-Nso
  13. Ikot Umiang
  14. Ikot Unya
  15. Iton

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Ikpa Ibom District

  1. Atanuk
  2. Ekim
  3. Ibiotio
  4. Ikot Aba
  5. Ikot Akata
  6. Ikot Akpa-Ekop
  7. Ikot Akpabio Ukam
  8. Ikot Akpaden
  9. Ikot Akpan Ukam
  10. Ikot Ayan
  11. Ikot Edim
  12. Ikot Edong Ukam
  13. Ikot Ekong
  14. Ikot Ekpang
  15. Ikot Enin
  16. Ikot Etefia Ukam
  17. Ikot Eto
  18. Ikot Iseghe
  19. Ikot Obio Ekpong
  20. Ikot Obio Ndoho
  21. Ikot Obio-Akai
  22. Ikot Okop – Odong
  23. Ikot Oyoro
  24. Ikot Ukwa
  25. Ikotn Inyang-Okop
  26. Ndom Gbodom
  27. Ndom Ibotio
  28. Obioete

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.