All posts by bevaseder

Ukanafan L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Northern Afaha

Abat     533104
ADAT IFANG 533105 533104
Akwa     533104
Ata Essien   533104
Ata Essien Afaha-Ntak 533104
Ekpe     533104
Ikot Akpan Eyo   533104
Ikot Akpan Inyang   533104
Ikot Akpan-Ebo   533104
Ikot Antia   533104
Ikot Anuwo   533104
Ikot Arankere   533104
Ikot Ebok   533104
Ikot Edem Ewa   533104
Ikot Edung   533104
Ikot Ekpankpe   533104
Ikot Ndot   533104
Ikot Udo   533104
Ikot Udo Iyak   533104
Ikot Udo Mbang   533104
Ikot Udo Mbang/Afaha Obo 533104
Ikot Uram   533104
Ikot Utiat   533104
Ikot Wkpankpe   533104
Ndot Ikot Akwa   533104
Ntak Afaha Ikot   533104
Nto Okon Ikot Enyiekop 533104
Nto Okon Ikot Okpo 533104
Nto Okon Ikot-Obio 533104

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

District: Northern Ukanafun

Afaha Ikot Akpa Idem 533102
Afaha Ikot Akwa   533102
Afaha Ikot Inyang   533102
Afaha Obo Ata Essien 533102
Afaha Obo Ikot Uko 533102
Afaha Odon   533102
Idem     533102
Ikot Akpa Ntuen   533102
Ikot Anta Eneng-Obum 533102
Ikot Ide     533102
Ikot Obio Okpoho   533102
Ikot Obio-Owo   533102
Ikot Oku Usung   533102
Ikot Uko Annang   533102
Inyang     533102
Nkek Abak   533102
Nkek Idim   533102
Nsekhe     533102
Ukanafun Ikot-Ekpat 533102
Ukanafun-Edem   533102

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

District: Southern Afaha

Awat Waterside   533103
Idung Nneke   533103
Idung-Akpan Uko   533103
Ikot Akai   533103
Ikot Akpa Idem   533103
Ikot Akpan Afaha   533103
Ikot Andem   533103
Ikot Awak   533103
Ikot Dappa   533103
Ikot Edong   533103
Ikot Effiong   533103
Ikot Essien   533103
Ikot Etim   533103
Ikot Ikang   533103
Ikot Ikpe   533103
Ikot Iwara   533103
Ikot Obong   533103
Ikot Oto-Iwuo   533103
Ikot Owure   533103
Ikot Udo-Ossiom   533103
Odoro Ikot   533103
Usung Atiat   533103

District: Southern Ukanafun

Edem Idim   533101
Idung Eka Uyo   533101
Idung Idem Udo   533101
Idung Uko Udo   533101
Idung Urum Iso   533101
Ikot Akpa Nkuk   533101
Ikot Akpan Eyara   533101
Ikot Enang   533101
Ikot Ibekwe   533101
Ikot Iyang Udo 1   533101
Ikot Iyang Udo 11   533101
Ikot Odiong   533101
Ikot Udo Abia   533101
Ikot Uko Obobo   533101
Ikot Ukpong   533101
Ikot Una   533101
Ikot-Inyang Abia   533101
Nkek     533101
Nyak Zba   533101
Obon Odor   533101
Okoyo     533101

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Udung Uko L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Afaha Okpo

Edikor Eyiba 523105
Edikor Eyobiosio 523105
Edikor Eyokpu 523105
Enino 523105
Eniongo 523105
Eye Oko 523105
Eyiba 523105
Eyo Atai 523105
Eyo Atang 523105
Eyo Ating Osung 523105
Eyo Ating-Osung 523105
Eyo Ebieme 523105
Eyo Esin 523105
Eyo Esio Osung 523105
Eyo Esio Usung 523105
Eyo Nsek 523105
Eyo Okponung 523105
Eyo Ukpe 523105
Eyo Uliong 523105
Eyo Uliong 523105
Eyo Ulung 523105
Eyo Uwe 523105
Eyo-Ating 523105
Eyobiosio 523105
Eyobisung 523105
Eyofin 523105
Eyofin 523105
Eyoko 523105
Eyokponung 523105
Eyokpu 523105
Eyosio-Osung 523105
Eyotai 523105
Uboro Isong Inyang 523105
Udng Otok 523105
Udung Adatang 523105
Udung Adatang 523105
Udung Esio 523105
Udung Uko 523105
Usung 523105

District: Okpo Clan

Edikor Eyiba
Edikor Eyobiosio 523105
Edikor Eyokpu 523105
Enino 523105
Eniongo 523105
Eye Oko 523105
Eyiba 523105
Eyo Atai 523105
Eyo Atang 523105
Eyo Ating Osung 523105
Eyo Ating-Osung 523105
Eyo Ebieme 523105
Eyo Esin 523105
Eyo Esio Osung 523105
Eyo Esio Usung 523105
Eyo Nsek 523105
Eyo Okponung 523105
Eyo Ukpe 523105
Eyo Uliong 523105
Eyo Uliong 523105
Eyo Ulung 523105
Eyo Uwe 523105
Eyo-Ating 523105
Eyobiosio 523105
Eyobisung 523105
Eyofin 523105
Eyofin 523105
Eyoko 523105
Eyokponung 523105
Eyokpu 523105
Eyosio-Osung 523105
Eyotai 523105
Uboro Isong Inyang 523105
Udng Otok 523105
Udung Adatang 523105
Udung Adatang 523105
Udung Esio 523105
Udung Uko 523105
Usung 523105

District: Ubodung Clan

Ekim 523106
Ekim 523106
Ubodung 523106

District: Ubodung 

Ekim 523106
Ekim 523106
Ubodung 523106

Oruk Anam L.G.A Zip Codes

Oruk Anam is a Local Government Area located in the southwestern part of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It is one of the eight Annang-speaking local government areas.

District: Abak /Midim

Ediene Ikot Iyang533114
Ekot Ediene533114
Ikot Adia533114
Ikot Akpakpan533114
Ikot Akpan533114
Ikot Akpan Essien533114
Ikot Akpan Etedue533114
Ikot Akpan Ntia533114
Ikot Akpan Otuk533114
Ikot Akpan Udo533114
Ikot Eda533114
Ikot Esenam533114
Ikot Inuen533114
Ikot Mbong533114
Ikot Obio Asan533114
Ikot Obio Atara533114
Ikot Obio-Aduak533114
Ikot Oko533114
Ikot osute533114
Ikot Otok533114
Ikot Otu533114
Ikot Owobo533114
Ikot Ukpo533114
Ikot Ukpong-Obiose533114
Ikot Uso Etok533114
Ikot Utiat533114
Otung Aya533114
Uikot Ukpong Eren533114
Ute Ekuk533114
Utu Ikot Iwara533114
Utu Ikot Obio Ekpe533114

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

District: Ekparakwa

Ediene Atai533113
Ediene Ikot-Ebom533113
Ika Annang533113
Ikot Akan533113
Ikot Akpa Osung533113
Ikot Akpan Eda533113
Ikot Eshiet533113
Ikot Inyang533113
Ikot Ntuen533113
Ikot Obong-Akan533113
Itung Ikot-Ndem533113
Mbon Ebre533113
Ukpom Edem Iyang533113

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Ibesit Nung Ikot

Anwa Udo533108
Idung Ntuk Uma533108
Ikot Akama533108
Ikot Akpan Nsek533108
Ikot Akpan Udo533108
Ikot Iba533108
Ikot Idem533108
Ikot Ikpene533108
Ikot Ndo533108
Ikot Oku533108
Ikot Omono533108
Ikot Oto533108
Ikot Owuk533108
Ikot Udo Offiong533108
Ikot Udoro533108
Ikot Ukpong Obio533108
Itung Ekpip533108

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

District: Inen

Etok Inen533106
Etok Nkwo533106
Ikot Akpaya533106
Ikot Eduep533106
Ikot Ekon533106
Ikot Ekpuk533106
Ikot Ese533106
Ikot Eteye533106
Ikot Etim533106
Ikot Ibram533106
Ikot Ndo533106
Ikot Obio Idang533106
Ikot Offiong533106
Nto Udo-Akpan533106
Oku Uruk533106

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

District: Ndot

Afaha Obo-Ikot Ito533111
Akapa Akpa Ewe533111
Ikot Akpa Inyang533111
Ikot Etim – Ibesit533111
Ikot Idem Udo533111
Ikot Ntuen533111
Ikot Obio Nsu533111
Ikot Osukpong533111
Ikot Ubo533111
Ikot Udo Idem533111
Ikot Ukpong Etor533111
Inen Abasi Atai533111
Inen Atan533111
Inen Ikot Obiom533111
Inen Ikot-Essien533111
Inen Nsai533111
Ndo Ikot-Eda533111
Ndon Ikot – Umo-Iden533111
Ndot Usung Idim533111
Nto Onio-Idang533111
Nto Udo Akpan533111
Nung Oku Ubo 1533111
Nung Oku Ubo II533111
Obio Ebiet Nkanka533111
Obio Ibiet Esa533111
Obio Ndot533111
Uruk Otong533111
Usung Atiat Ub533111

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

District: Ibesit Nung Ikot

Anwa Udo533108
Idung Ntuk Uma533108
Ikot Akama533108
Ikot Akpan Nsek533108
Ikot Akpan Udo533108
Ikot Iba533108
Ikot Idem533108
Ikot Ikpene533108
Ikot Ndo533108
Ikot Oku533108
Ikot Omono533108
Ikot Oto533108
Ikot Owuk533108
Ikot Udo Offiong533108
Ikot Udoro533108
Ikot Ukpong Obio533108
Itung Ekpip533108

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

District: Nung Ita

Ikot Akpan533110
Ikot Essien533110
Ikot Inyang533110
Ikot Ntuk533110
Ikot Obio Enin Atai533110
Ikot Obio Enin-Udobia533110
Ikot Obio Nkan533110
Ikot Obio Oruk533110
Ikot Okoro533110

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

District: Obio Akpa

Ata Essien Obio533107
Ata Obio Akpa533107
Aya Obio Akpa533107
Ikot Eka Ide533107
Ikot Idiaha533107
Ikot Ukpong Obiokpong533107
Ntak Obio Akpa533107
Ntenge Akana533107

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Idemili South L.G.A Zip Code

Idemili South is a Local Government Area in Anambra State, South-East Nigeria. Towns that make up the local government are Akwu-Ukwu, Alor, Awka-Etiti, Ojoto , Nnokwa, Oba and Nnobi.


District: Akwa-Etiti

Ejighunandu   434117
Iruowelle   434117
Nkpolofia   434117
Nnaba     434117
Ogunsele   434117
Umudunu   434117
Umunocha   434117

District: Akwu

Akama     434113
Ekele     434113
Umuibu     434113
Umuosiukpana   434113

Onitsha Town Area Zip Codes

District: Alor

Ekebunoyo   434114
Etiti     434114
Idam     434114
Okide     434114
Omuoshi   434114
Umuokwu   434114
Uruezeani   434114

District: Nnobi

Amadumu   434116
Awuda     434116
Ebenesi     434116
Eziora     434116
Ifite     434116
Ndam     434116
Ngo     434116
Ubaha     434116
Umagu     434116
Umuafor   434116
Umudinya   434116
Umuegbu   434116
Umuezike   434116
Umuobi     434116
Umuru     434116

District: Nnokwa

Abo     434115
Eziama     434115
Isuangbede   434115
Odumodu   434115
Ogonogo   434115
Ozala     434115
Ubili     434115
Umuide     434115
Umushi     434115

List of Local Government Area In Anambra

District: Oba

Abime     434112
Aboji     434112
Ezelle     434112
Isu     434112
Ogbenwa   434112
Ogwugwu   434112
Okuzu     434112
Umeze-Abute   434112
Umuogali   434112

District: Ojoto

Akabor     434111
Ezema     434111
Ezieke     434111
Ire     434111
Ojo     434111
Umuechem   434111

Anambra Town Area Zip Codes

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List of Anambra State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Oron L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Afaha Okpo

Esin Ufot
Esuk Oro   523101
Eyo Ekung Inyang   523101
Eyo Obiosio   523101
Udung Esien   523101
Udung Ulo   523101
Udung Usotaiudung Ekung 523101

District: Eyo Abasi

Akai – Ikon   523120
Udung Ekung   523120
Udung Ekung II   523120
Udung Osin   523120
Udung Uko   523120
Udung Usotai   523120
Uko Okwong   523120
Uko Uyokim   523120

District: Eyotong

Eyo – Esang – Obisung 523121
Eyo – Esio -Uwak   523121
Eyo – Okpo – Oyo   523121
Eyo – Orokra – Usuyak 523121
Eyo – Otong – Uwe   523121
Eyo – Oyete   523121
Udung – Obisung   523121

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

District: Uya Oro

Eyo – Atta   523118
Eyo – Esu   523118
Eyo – Ifang   523118
Eyo – Odiong   523118
Eyo – Okpo   523118
Eyo – Uya   523118
Udung – Okwong   523118
Udung – Uwe   523118

Akwa Ibom State Map

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Onna L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Awa Clan

Abak Ishiet524107
Afaha Atai524107
Afaha Ikot Ankang524107
Afaha Ikot Idem Udo524107
Afaha Ikot-524107
Afaha Ubium524107
Atiamkpat Nung-524107
Awa Nkp524107
Edem Idim524107
Ikot Akpan524107
Ikot Ese Ishiet524107
Ikot Obio-Eket524107
Ikot Obong-Ishiet524107
Ntan Ide524107
Oku Ekanem524107

List of Local Government Area In Akwa Ibom State

District: Iquita

Eyo – Essi523119
Eyo – Esu523119
Eyo – Usotai523119
Eyo – Utumong523119
Udung – Ndung523119
Udung – Uso523119

List of Towns and Villages in Akwa Ibom State

District: Nung Ndem Clan

Ikot Abasi524106
Ikot Akpatek524106
Ikot Annang524106
Ikot Ebekpo524106
Ikot Ebidang524106
Ikot Ebire524106
Ikot Edor524106
Ikot Ikom Ibom524106
Ikot Ndua Iman524106
Ikot Ndudot524106
Ikot Nkan524106
Ikot Nuten524106
Ikot Udo524106
Mkpa Eto524106
Ndom Eyo524106

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

District: Oniong Clan

Ikot Abasi524106
Ikot Akpatek524106
Ikot Annang524106
Ikot Ebekpo524106
Ikot Ebidang524106
Ikot Ebire524106
Ikot Edor524106
Ikot Ikom Ibom524106
Ikot Ndua Iman524106
Ikot Ndudot524106
Ikot Nkan524106
Ikot Nuten524106
Ikot Udo524106
Mkpa Eto524106
Ndom Eyo524106

Complete List of Akwa Ibom State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

District: Oniong Clan

Ikot Abasi524106
Ikot Akpatek524106
Ikot Annang524106
Ikot Ebekpo524106
Ikot Ebidang524106
Ikot Ebire524106
Ikot Edor524106
Ikot Ikom Ibom524106
Ikot Ndua Iman524106
Ikot Ndudot524106
Ikot Nkan524106
Ikot Nuten524106
Ikot Udo524106
Mkpa Eto524106
Ndom Eyo524106

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Okobo L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Atabong

Ikot Iquo 521103
Ikot Odiong 521103
Ikot Okokon 521103
Ikot Osukpong 521103

District: Ebughu

Eyede 521105
Ikono 521105
Itak Ekim 521105
Nsie 521105
Uruting 521105

District: Eta

Afaha Nsung 521101
Akanawana 521101
Amamong 521101
Anua Okopedi 521101
Ape Amamong 521101
Atai Amamong 521101
Atai Atai Otope 521101
Atipa Odobo 521101
Atipa Okopedi 521101
Ebighi Eta 521101
Ekpene Ekim Eta 521101
Ibawa 521101
Mbieduo 521101
Nsating 521101
Nung Atai Eta 521101
Nung Udom Odobo 521101
Obufi 521101

District: Ibighi

Afaha Akai 521107
Atiabang 521107
Oyoku Assang 521107
Urue Ita 521107

District: Odu

Akiba Obo 521102
Anua Ekeya 521102
Ebighi Edu 521102
Ebighi Okobo 521102
Ekpene Ekim 521102
Esuk Inwang 521102
Idibi Enin 521102
Nda 521102
Nung Ukana 521102
Obot Inwang 521102
Ube 521102
Ufok Esuk 521102

District: Okiuso

Akai Nyo 521106
Isa Okiuso 521106
Itak Okiuso 521106
Udung Afiang 521106
Udung Amkpe 521106
Udung Ukpong 521106
Udung Ulo 521106
Udung Umo 521106

District: Ukwong

Afaha Osu 521104
Ebighi Anwa Ikpi 521104
Ebighi Anwa Oro 521104
Etieke Udong Eto 521104
Eweme 521104
Eyo Nku 521104
Itak Uyati 521104
Mbukpo Oduobo 521104
Ndoung 521104
Osu Offi 521104
Oti Oron 521104
Otieke 521104
Ubak 521104
Utine Eyekung 521104
Utine Ndoung 521104

Idemili North L.G.A Zip Code


District: Abacha

Ezinifite 434106
Nogba 434106
Umuazu 434106
Umulisi 434106
Umuokpeli 434106
Umuokpulo 434106
Umuoti 434106

District: Abatete

Agbaja 434107
Nsukwu 434107
Odida 434107
Ogbu 434107

District: Eziowelle

Ezimimo 434105
Okpaliko 434105
Ubuhu 434105
Umuikpelle 434105
Umunnama 434105

District: Ideani

Akama 434109
Nzokwe 434109
Oko 434109
Umexhem 434109
Umuoduba 434109
Umuru 434109
Urueze 434109

District: Nkpor

Akuzor 434102
Amafor 434102
Ekele 434102
Isungwu 434102
Mgbachu 434102
Ububa 434102
Umuisiowe 434102
Umuochi 434102

District: Obosi (Rural)

Ire 434104
Manakwum 434104
Okpuno 434104
Ugamuna 434104
Umuota 434104
Uruowulu 434104

District: Ogidi (Rural)

Ezi-Ogidi 434101
Ikenga-Ogidi 434101
Ireh-Ogidi 434101
Nkwelle-Ogidi 434101
Odida-Ogidi 434101
Ogidiani Ukwu 434101
Ogidiani-Etiti 434101
Uru-Ogidi 434101

District: Oraukwu

Amaeze 434110
Dimubana 434110
Ezemmaja 434110
Ibenabo 434110
Iruowelle 434110
Nkwelle 434110
Otta 434110
Uba-Ani 434110
Uma-Amada 434110

District: Uke

Nkwelle 434108
Oba-Ani 434108
Omimi 434108
Ubuluenu 434108
Umuazu 434108
Uruaboh 434108

District: Umuoji

Abidi 434103
Abor 434103
Aguma 434103
Akala-Ekiti 434103
Amogu 434103
Amoji 434103
Anegu 434103
Dianokwu 434103
Dimboko 434103
Ekwulu 434103
Etiti 434103
Ideoma 434103
Ifite 434103
Ire 434103
Umuaze 434103
Umuechem 434103
Umuegbe 434103
Umuobia 434103
Umuoli 434103
Umuoma 434103
Urueze 434103
Uruideke 434103
Urunaneke 434103
Urunikpu 434103

































































Obot Akara L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Ikot Abia

Abak Ukpom 530104
Abiakpo Idiaha 530104
Abiakpo Ikot Abasi-Inyang 530104
Ama Okop 530104
Ibiakpan 530104
Ikot Abia 530104
Ikot Akpan-Enuek 530104
Ikot Ikok 530104
Ikot Moboho 530104
Ikot Obo Nto 530104
Ikot Obuk 530104
Ikot Ukpong Ikot Udan 530104
Ikot Upeng 530104
Ikot-Udom Anwa 530104
Imana 530104
Mbat Esifon 530104
Nto Eton 530104
Ntong Uno 530104
Obon Ukwa I 530104
Obon Ukwa II 530104
Okop 530104
Unik Osung 530104

District: Nto Edino

Abama 530105
Abasi Eduo 530105
Abiakipo Nkap 530105
Abiakpo Ikot- 530105
Abiakpo Ikot-Ukam 530105
Atan Ibong 530105
Edem Idem Okpo Eto 530105
Ibom Uruk 530105
Ibongokpo-Eto 530105
Ikot Essien 530105
Ikot Eyem 530105
Ikot Ide 530105
Ikot Idem Udo 530105
Ikot Mba 530105
Ikot Mem 530105
Ikot Oku 530105
Ikot Osom 530105
Ikot Udo Nto-Ide 530105
Ikot Ukana 530105
Nto Asiak 530105
Nto Edino Obot 530105
Nto Ekpe 530105
Nto Esu 530105
Nto Ide 530105
Nto Ide Anwa-Effiat 530105
Nto Obio Iwok 530105
Nto Omen 530105
Okpo Eto Ikot Imo 530105
Usaka 530105

District: Obot Akara

Abiakpo 530103
Abiakpo Ibo 530103
Abiakpo Ikot 530103
Abiakpo Ikot-Obio Nting 530103
Atai Ikwen 530103
Esa Iken 530103
Ikot Abasi Eyop 530103
Ikot Abia Osom 530103
Ikot Atasung 530103
Ikot Ntuen 530103
Ikot Utin 530103
Ikot Utu 530103
Ikot Utu Ikot Akpan 530103
Ikpe Mbak Eyop 530103
Ikpe Usung-Ita 530103
Ikwen Ikot Udom 530103
Inyang I 530103
Inyang II 530103
Mkpa Uno 530103
Nko Nto Okono 530103
Nkpo Nto Nkoboho 530103
Nsit Ikpe 530103
Nto Ekpu 530103
Nto Ndung 530103
Nto Obio Ikang 530103
Oku Obom 530103
Uto Ekpu Ikot 530103
Utu Ikot 530103