lhitte -uboma L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Abuke

Ibe 472119
Ndibinaihu 472119
Umuchie 472119
Umudibia 472119
Umudikengwu 472119
Umudikeorji 472119
Umuegwele 472119
Umuezeala 472119
Umuoparaodu 472119

District: Abuke

Ibe 472119
Ndibinaihu 472119
Umuchie 472119
Umudibia 472119
Umudikengwu 472119
Umudikeorji 472119
Umuegwele 472119
Umuezeala 472119
Umuoparaodu 472119

District: Amainyi

Amokwe/Amorji 472121
Omulo 472121
Opara Amainyi 472121
Umuebeta 472121
Umunahihie 472121
Umuode 472121

District: Amakoha

Amuzu 472112
Ipinweke 472112
Nnacheru 472112
Umuahia 472112
Umuokoroezuka 472112
Umuonyeche 472112
Umuoye 472112

District: Ato-Werem

Elugwu 472116
Omuchienta 472116
Umuezea 472116
Umuezina 472116
Umulemaku 472116
Umuopi 472116

District: Awuchi-Numo

Amaikpa 472122
Ummudaku 472122
Umuamara 472122
Umuduebo 472122
Umuebonu 472122
Umunumu 472122
Umuokpoko 472122
Umuore I 472122
Umuori II 472122

District: Ezimba

Umuduroma 472123
Umuduru 472123
Umueze 472123
Umukoku 472123

District: Ikper-Ejere

Umuanyaku 472117
Umudwu 472117
Umuehie 472117
Umuejere 472117
Umuezealaduzu 472117
Umuopara-Owerre 472117

District: Onicha-Uboma

Ehienahi 472124
Umuakpa 472124
Umudiim 472124
Umuezeke 472124
Umuopara 472124

District: Umue-Zegwu

Umuakpi 472113
Umudibia 472113
Umule/Umuhere 472113
Umuode 472113
Umuokparaka 472113

District: Umuihi

Emekengwe 472118
Ikenafo 472118
Uhegbu 472118
Uhuanwuse 472118
Umudiaba 472118
Umuezeokwa 472118
Umuikpu 472118
Umunachiala 472118
Umunne 472118
Umuode 472118
Umuorisa 472118
Umuosocha 47211

District: Umuoma

Alaocha 472120
Eluama 472120
Ndiehuhu-Alaocha 472120
Ukwuobu 472120
Umuakugba 472120
Umudinagu 472120
Umuijerekwe 472120
Umunwaokafor 472120

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