List of Towns and Villages in Abua/Odual LGA

  1. Abada
  2. Abual
  3. Agada
  4. Akani
  5. Amalem
  6. Amaraka
  7. Amorota
  8. Aniningboko
  9. Anyu
  10. Arukwo
  11. Dibiriga
  12. Efebiri
  13. Egboama
  14. Egbolom
  15. Egbom
  16. Egunughan
  17. Ekunuga
  18. Elok
  19. Emago
  20. Emeh
  21. Emekesue
  22. Emelego
  23. Emesu
  24. Emilaghan
  25. Emirikpoko
  26. Emon-Ema Emabu
  27. Engeni
  28. Esala
  29. Esidia-Ogbema
  30. Forest-Reserve
  31. Iyak
  32. Kola-Ogbogbo
  33. Lower Orashi River
  34. Obaranyi
  35. Odaga
  36. Odedum
  37. Ogbema
  38. Ogbema Koku
  39. Ogbokuma
  40. Ogbologbo Plantain
  41. Ogboloma
  42. Oghora
  43. Okana
  44. Okoboh
  45. Okomade
  46. Okpedem
  47. Omokwa
  48. Opikiri
  49. Opu-Ogbogbo
  50. Oruama
  51. Otabha
  52. Otari
  53. Owerewere
  54. Plantains
  55. Serebia

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