List of Towns and Villages in Atakumosa West L.G.A

Osu District

  1.             Akola
  2.             Alakowe
  3.             Alusekere
  4.             Aro-Aji
  5.             Ayorunbo
  6.             Balogun
  7.             Bara
  8.             Iloba
  9.             Itamerin
  10.             Iwaro
  11.             Odesomi
  12.             Orogo
  13.             Osu

Isaobi District

  1.             Isaobi
  2.             Isotun
  3.             Itaosin
  4.             Salau

Muroko District

  1.             Aladura
  2.             Ilaa
  3.             Isireyun
  4.             Isolo
  5.             Muroko

Ibodi District

  1.             Aba Anu
  2.             Ibodi
  3.             Igila
  4.             Olorombo

Epe/Ifelodun District

  1.             Epe
  2.             Igbadae
  3.             Igun
  4.             Ijana
  5.             Iyenmogun

Itagunmodi District

  1.             Alaba
  2.             Araromi
  3.             Itagunmodi

Okebode District

  1.             Abebeyun
  2.             Kajola
  3.             Lala
  4.             Oke-Osin
  5.             Okebode

Ifeware District

  1.             Bowale
  2.             Ifeware
  3.             Imelu
  4.             Ogogo Akaro
  5.             Owena






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