List of Towns and Villages in Igbo-Ekiti LGA

Ochima District

  1. Ama Egede
  2. Ezinaibite
  3. Ogbede

Ikolo District

  1. Ameti
  2. Ikoloani
  3. Uhamurodo
  4. Uhanuchu

List of Local Government Area In Enugu State

Ohebe/ ohodo District

  1. Akaibite
  2. Akutala
  3. Chinwa
  4. Ejuona
  5. Ohodo

Diogbe District

  1. Agbo
  2. Ndiugwu
  3. Umunashi

Ukehe District

  1. Akpuato
  2. Amagwu
  3. Amanefi
  4. Idoha
  5. Nkpologwu
  6. Ukwaja
  7. Umudulo
  8. Umufiagu
  9. Umurusi
  10. Uwani Abaka

Complete List of Enugu State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Onyohor District

  1. Amabinagu
  2. Amobo
  3. Amoji
  4. Umuozigbo
  5. Umuriko

Udueme District

  1. Amaelu
  2. Nkitiba
  3. Uwani

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Aku District

  1. Amabokwu
  2. Amogwu
  3. Ejuonu
  4. Mgboko
  5. Nua
  6. Obie
  7. Offienyi
  8. Ohemuje
  9. Orda
  10. Oshigo
  11. Ugwuegede
  12. Ugwunani
  13. Umueme
  14. Umuezike
  15. Use

List of Towns and Villages in Enugu State

Ozalla District

  1. Akaibite
  2. Ijo
  3. Ikolo
  4. Isiamelu
  5. Nnaru
  6. Ujoma

Ekwegbe District

  1. Aguakwegbo
  2. Amandu
  3. Amanonucha
  4. Amaotu
  5. Ohumofia
  6. Ozeachara
  7. Ukopi

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

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