All posts by bevaseder

List of Towns and Villages in Esan South-East LGA

Esan South East is a Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Ubiaja.


  •             Agenebode
  •             Agiere
  •             Anumeji
  •             Avhiodor
  •             Bode-Waterside
  •             Dapapa
  •             Edegbe
  •             Egori-Nauge
  •             Egori-Waterside
  •             Ekwotso
  •             Emnokweme
  •             Ighawo
  •             Igienebamhe
  •             Igiode
  •             Ikwakpe
  •             Ilogodo
  •             Itogbo
  •             Itsokwi
  •             Ivbiare
  •             Ivbiebua
  •             Ivhianokpodi
  •             Ivhioghe
  •             Iviakpekha
  •             Iviebua-Naameh
  •             Iviegbepwi
  •             Iviekpe
  •             Iviogheme
  •             Iviokpo
  •             Iviomhe
  •             Iviukhua
  •             Iviukwe
  •             Izotha
  •             Oba Dudu
  •             Obadudu
  •             Ofukpo
  •             Ogwoyo
  •             Ogwozima
  •             Ogwukpakpa
  •             Okanawua
  •             Okieh
  •             Okiolomi
  •             Oshola
  •             Otaukwi
  •             Othame
  •             Ovao
  •             Ugbato
  •             Ughoke
  •             Ukho
  •             Ukpeko
  •             Ukpeko-Agbugwi
  •             Uzanu
  •             Weppa-Wanno

Benin Town Area Zip Codes


  •             Ega
  •             Eguare-Oria
  •             Ifade
  •             Igo
  •             Isoko Camp
  •             Itoya Camp
  •             John Smike Camp
  •             Ogbokpa
  •             Okoyoyomon Camp
  •             Okudu
  •             Omuakun
  •             Oria
  •             Thomas Camp
  •             Ukpowada


  •             Eguare-Onogholo
  •             Ibo Camp
  •             Idi Abora
  •             Idi Akhanmlogie
  •             Idi Okhae
  •             Idi Osogbo
  •             Onogholo


  •             Braimoh Camp
  •             Eguare-Okhuessan
  •             Idehuana
  •             Idiobo
  •             Ikeken
  •             Ikiala
  •             Okhuessan

List of Local Government Area In Edo State


  •             Eguare-Udo
  •             Eko-Okukpon
  •             Eko-Ugbodu
  •             Eko-Utomhin
  •             Idumhuan-Khinmhin
  •             Udo
  •             Udo-Neria


  •             Adagwu
  •             Ajakpa
  •             Ajularo
  •             Alla
  •             Ifeku
  •             Iyegbe
  •             Okpatawo
  •             Okuoshimili
  •             Owoli
  •             Ukpodo


  •             Ega
  •             Ilushi
  •             Odumu Camp
  •             Ofuloko
  •             Okowede
  •             Opuru

See The Map Of Edo State

List of Towns and Villages in Edo State


  •             Akhiomen
  •             Auma
  •             Eguale
  •             Eke
  •             Eko Ojemohin
  •             Emu
  •             Emu Ibhiadu
  •             Emu Nekhua
  •             Emu Orankhuan
  •             Emu Usolo
  •             Emua
  •             Idi-Oise
  •             Obodigbon
  •             Obodogun
  •             Obolo
  •             Odogbe
  •             Okede
  •             Okpogho
  •             Udor
  •             Uneme


  •             Aburu
  •             Eguare-Ewatto
  •             Ewatto-Ogbe
  •             Ide Ima
  •             Ide Negbon
  •             Idi Agbor
  •             Idi Eka
  •             Idi Ije
  •             Idi Iyasele
  •             Idi Uromi
  •             Idikve
  •             Idumu Iselu
  •             Ogbokpa

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages


  •             Asaboro
  •             Ewohimi
  •             Idi Arebun
  •             Idi Ebun
  •             Idi Elo
  •             Idi Ojomo
  •             Idi-Orio
  •             Idumagbo
  •             Idumagbor
  •             Idumije
  •             Idumisaba
  •             Idumobo
  •             Idumuguokha
  •             Ikhekhe
  •             Ikomu
  •             Iselu
  •             Odoghu
  •             Ogbe
  •             Oghu
  •             Okaigbn
  •             Okede
  •             Olenokhua
  •             Omhen
  •             Uboko
  •             Uhaekpen
  •             Uzebu
  •             Uzoguo

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States


  •             Abumere Camp
  •             Adolor Camp
  •             Eguare-Ohordua
  •             Ibhiedu
  •             Idi Akhanmhogie
  •             Idi Okhae
  •             Isiekubu Camp
  •             Ogboligbo Camp
  •             Ohordua
  •             Ologua
  •             Orekhe Ishide
  •             Orere Camp
  •             Orhkiebiele
  •             Ozenyen
  •             Uokhuen
  •             Uvwa


  •             Chika Camp
  •             Eguare-Orowa
  •             Idi Diha
  •             Idohin
  •             John Camp
  •             Okoji Camp
  •             Orowa
  •             Ukpoke

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States


  •             Eko
  •             Ekperu
  •             Eneniha
  •             Idi Ojele Camp
  •             Igbamaka
  •             Ocheche
  •             Odegume Ogwe
  •             Odegume Ubi
  •             Odia Akaba
  •             Odiutor Camp
  •             Ogemeri
  •             Okpokolor
  •             Oku-Urom
  •             Onwubuke
  •             Uroh
  •             Yesufu-Udogo

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.


  •             Akagba
  •             Edward
  •             Inyenlen
  •             Iyagi
  •             Izuku
  •             Odokor
  •             Oka
  •             Olise Camp
  •             Ugbolo

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Etsako East LGA

Etsako East is a local government council in Edo State, Nigeria with its headquarters at Agenebode.

Towns and Villages in Etsako East LGA


  •             Agenebode
  •             Agiere
  •             Anumeji
  •             Avhiodor
  •             Bode-Waterside
  •             Dapapa
  •             Edegbe
  •             Egori-Nauge
  •             Egori-Waterside
  •             Ekwotso
  •             Emnokweme
  •             Ighawo
  •             Igienebamhe
  •             Igordor
  •             Ikwakpe
  •             Ilogodo
  •             Imiakebu
  •             Imiegba
  •             Itogbo
  •             Itsukwi
  •             Ivbiare
  •             Ivbiebua
  •             Ivhianokpodi
  •             Ivhioghe
  •             Iviakpekha
  •             Iviebua-Naameh
  •             Iviegbepwi
  •             Iviekpe

See The Map Of Edo State

Benin Town Area Zip Codes

  •             Iviogheme
  •             Iviokpo
  •             Iviomhe
  •             Iviukhua
  •             Iviukwe
  •             Izotha
  •             Oba Dudu
  •             Obadudu
  •             Ofukpo
  •             Ogwoyo
  •             Ogwozima
  •             Ogwukpakpa
  •             Okanawua
  •             Okieh
  •             Okiolomi
  •             Okpekpe
  •             Oshola
  •             Otaukwi
  •             Othame

List of Towns and Villages in Edo State

List of Local Government Area In Edo State

  •             Ovao
  •             Ugbato
  •             Ughoke
  •             Ukho
  •             Ukpeko
  •             Ukpeko-Agbugwi
  •             Uzanu
  •             Weppa-Wanno

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages in Igueben LGA

Igueben is a Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The headquarters are in the town of Igueben.


  •             Eguare
  •             Idumesan
  •             Idumu-Ikhialen
  •             Idumu-Ikhinlen
  •             Idumuadocha
  •             Idumuneduegbe
  •             Ikekogbe
  •             Oduwebho
  •             Okaigben


  •             Amahor Waterside
  •             Eguare
  •             Idumodin
  •             Obodeko

Benin Town Area Zip Codes

List of Towns and Villages in Edo State


  •             Eguare
  •             Idumeko
  •             Idumesa
  •             Idumeshebe
  •             Idumodin
  •             Idumogun
  •             Idumuoigue
  •             Ijeduma
  •             Ikekogbe
  •             Ikpedu
  •             Isiliakor
  •             Ogbe
  •             Olenokhua

See The Map Of Edo State

List of Local Government Area In Edo State

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages in Enugu East LGA

Nike District

  1. Agbogazi
  2. Ako
  3. Akpoga
  4. Alulu
  5. Amoji
  6. Amokpo
  7. Azama
  8. Edem
  9. Effokwe
  10. Emene
  11. Ibeagwa
  12. Ije-Amaowelle
  13. Nbulunjodo
  14. Nchetanche
  15. Neke Odenigbo
  16. Nekeuno
  17. Ngwuomu
  18. Nkwubo
  19. Nokpa
  20. Obinagu
  21. Onuogba
  22. Onyohu

Enugu South L.G.A Zip Codes

List of Local Government Area In Enugu State

Ogwogo District

  1. Adaeze
  2. Amankpa
  3. Farm Settlements
  4. Obinagu
  5. Ogbodogo
  6. Okpuhu
  7. Ugwunkwo
  8. Umunagbo
  9. Umunnameze
  10. Umunonu
  11. Utazi

Enugu North L.G.A Zip Codes 

List of Towns and Villages in Enugu North LGA

Complete List of Enugu State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages in Akko LGA

1 Kumo

• Garin Garba

• Jalingo

• Jauro Tukur

• Kembu

• Kumo

• Lergo

• Mararraban-Tumu

• Nahuta

• Panda

• Shabbal

2 Pindiga

• Bubu

• Dongol

• Kaltanga

• Kashere

• Kilawa

• Kombani

• lara

• Papa

• Pindiga

• Piyau

• Solok

• Tulmi

• Tumu

• Wudil

• Yarda

• Yelwa

• Zabin Kani

3 Gona

• Akko

• Auwaru

• Barri

• Dabawo

• Gamadadi

• Garko

• Gokaru

• Gona

• Gujuba

• Jangiro

• Kalshingi

• Lafiyawo

• Lawanti

• Munda

• Panbo

• Shulto

• Tongo

• Tukulma

• Tunfure

• Wuro Dole

• Wuru Siddiki

• Yankari

• Zange

• Zangomari

List of Towns and Villages in Aninri LGA

Aninri is a Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Ndeaboh. Aninri is made up of five towns, Nenwe, Ndeaboh, Mpu, Okpanku and Oduma.

Nenwe District

  1. Agbada
  2. Amabor
  3. Amagu
  4. Amokwe
  5. Amorji
  6. Emulemoke
  7. Enugunator
  8. Eziecho
  9. Isi-Enyi
  10. Obeagu
  11. Obiofu
  12. Obulorum
  13. Okpome
  14. Okpulo
  15. Ugwuokpa
  16. Umuagam
  17. Umualugwoyi
  18. Umudibo
  19. Umuewo
  20. Umueze
  21. Umulagu
  22. Umulero
  23. Umuobele
  24. Umuola
  25. Umuoriji
  26. Umuovute

See Also: List of Towns and Villages in Enugu State

Ndeaboh District

  1. Abacheku
  2. Amaeze
  3. Amurure
  4. Azunkwo
  5. Nochele
  6. Over Rail
  7. Uhucheke
  8. Uhungo
  9. Uhuogiri
  10. Umuoma
  11. Umurah

Mpu District

  1. Agu-Enyi
  2. Amachara
  3. Amagu
  4. Obuagu
  5. Obuno

List of Local Government Area In Enugu State

Okpanku District

  1. Amabiriba
  2. Amaete
  3. Amagu
  4. Amaogudu
  5. Ihuezeoke
  6. Ihuibe
  7. Okpu

Oduma District

  1. Amachara-Uka
  2. Amaeke
  3. Amagu
  4. Amakumu
  5. Amanasoto
  6. Amata
  7. Amoji
  8. Amokwe
  9. Amotinite
  10. Anasato
  11. Ezinator
  12. Ezineshi
  13. Igimu
  14. Mmafu
  15. Nanwu/Negba
  16. Negenannata
  17. Ngenanwa
  18. Obeagu
  19. Oduma-Achara
  20. Ohafia
  21. Ukete

Complete List of Enugu State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages in Okigwe L.G.A

1 Ikigwu (Rural)

• Aro-Okigwe

• Aro-Ubaha

• Ope

• Ubahaa

• Umuka

• Umuokpara

2 Otanzu

• Amaeze-Ogii

• Umuawa-Ogee

• Unualumoke

3 Amuro

• Amuro

• Aro-Amuro


• Agbobu

• Agbuala

• Aku (Ihette)

• Aku (Ikenga)

• Amano

• Amaosu

• Amasator

• Aro-Agbobu

• Aro-Umulol (West)

• Aro-Umulolo (East)

• Ibinta

• Ndi-Oji

• Ndi-Okoroji

• Okanachi

• Umuawa-Ibu

4 Ihube

• Agbala

• Akpugo

• Amagu

• Amalator

List of Towns and Villages in Imo State

• Amano

• Ogube

5 Otan-Chara

• Alaike-Ogwaku

• Alaocha-Igwaku

• Ihitte

• Ihitte-Isiokwe

List of Local Government Area In Imo State

• Ikenga

• Ikenga-Isiokwe

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List of Imo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages