All posts by bevaseder

List of Towns and Villages in Oshimili North LGA

1   Asaba  (Rural)
2 Oko Okwo

• Oko-Anala

• Okwe

3 Ibusa

• Achaiia

• Ezukwu

• Idumuisagba

• Ogbeowe

• Ogboli

• Umuagwu

• Umuehea

• Umuekea

• Umueze

List of Local Government Area In Delta State

• Umuezeagwu

• Umuodafe
4 Okpanam / Ugbolu

• Amachia

• Obodogwu

• Ogbadogba

• Ogbe iyase

• Ogbeobi

• Ogbeozoma

5 Akwukwu-Igbo

• Ajagi

• Ogbe-ani

• Ogbe-iyase

• Ogbeani

• Ogbeobi

• Origbo

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

• Umuekeke

• Umulum

• Umuonia

• Umuopu

6 Ebu/Ukala /Illah

• Aganike

• Ajaji

• Aninwalo

• Ekpechor

• Iyiaga Oshimili

• Machakolo

• Ngegwu

• Ngene

• Ogbe-oji

• Ogbeobi

• Ogbeolu

• Ogbeonaje

• Ogo

• Okemokrudu

• Okenta

• Onya

• Ugbolu

• Ugwuozala

Complete List of Delta State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

• Ukpologwu

• Ukwumage

• Umuagwu

• Umuisizora

• Umutei

• Umutono

• Usebe

• Uumuezeze

7 Ogwashi – Uku

• Select Town

• Abodei

• Aboh-Ogwashi

• Azagba-Ogwashi

• Edo-Ogwashi

• Isah-Ogwashi

• Ogwashi-Uku

• Olloh-Ogwashi

• Olodu

• Otulu-Ogwashi

8 Ubulu

• Abugba

• Aniagbala

• Anifekide

• Anioma

• Ashaba-Ubulu

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

• Ubulu-Edoe

• Ubulu-Okiti

• Ubulu-Uku

• Ubulu-Unor

• Udo

9 Nsukwa

• Abah-Unor

• Adonte

• Ani-Egbune

• Ani-Usi

• Azamu

• Egbudu-Akah

• Nsukwa

• Obi Adigwe

• Obi Anigala

• Obi Chukwuji

• Obi Emenem

• Obi Isimili

• Obi Nti

• Obi Okonkwa

• Obi Onwordi

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

• Ogidi

• Ukwu-Agbonor

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Chanchaga L.G.A

Minna District

  1.             Babeji
  2.             Bako
  3.             Bako Pampe
  4.             Debbi
  5.             Ekpigi
  6.             Etsu Musa
  7.             G. Dutse
  8.             Gwodworo
  9.             Jamgaru
  10.             Jigbeji
  11.             K. Dajuwa
  12.             Kampani
  13.             Kangwa
  14.             Kuka
  15.             Kurumi
  16.             Lapai
  17.             Lashami
  18.             Nagun
  19.             Nkankutu
  20.             Pette
  21.             Popoi
  22.             Shana
  23.             Zakwogi


List of Towns and Villages in Ndokwa West LGA

1  Utagbe Ogbe

• Isumpe

• Ogbeani

• Umusadege

• Umusam

• Umusedeli

• Umuseti

2 Emu

• Emu-ebendo

• Emu-Iyasele

• Emu-Obiogo

• Emu-Obodeti

• Emu-Uno

3 Ogume
• Igbe

• Obodugwa

• Ogbagu

• Ogbe-Ogume

• Ogbole

• Ogute

• Umuchime

4 Abbi

• Abbi

• Ijeze

• Imam-Abbi
5 Utagbe Uno

• Etua-Uno

• Isumpe

• Ndemili

• Oliogo

• Umusadege

• Umusedeli

• Umuseti

• Utagba-Uno

6 Onicha-Ukwuani

• Amorji

• Eweshi

• Ibabu

• Ike-Onicha

• Ugillami

List of Towns and Villages in Ughelli North LGA

Ughelli North is a Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the city of Ughelli.

1 Ughelli

• Afiesere

• Ekiugbo

• Ekrejebor

• Eruemukobwarien

• Iwhrekpokpo

• Iwhremaragha

• Iwhremaro

• Iwhreneneiwhreorie

• Ododegho

• Odovie

• Ofuoma

• Ogbovwan

• Ohwaro

• Oteri

• Otorwodo

Ughelli North LGA Zip Codes

• Uduere

• Ughelli

• Ujode

2 Agbarha

• Agbaide

• Agbarha-Otor

• Aghalokpe

• Awirha

• Edjeba

• Edjekemevor

• Edoide

• Ehwahwa

• Esemagidi

• Etefe

• Gana

• Idjerhe

• Ihwredju

• Imiroje

• Oghara

• Ogorode

• Okpara

List of Towns and Villages in Ughelli South LGA

• Omakoghwre

• Omavovwe

• Ophori

• Oteri

• Otokutu

• Owevwe

• Saniko

• Ujovwre

3 Ogor

• Ejekota

• Ogor

• Otogor

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

• Oviri

• Ovwodokpokpo

4 Evwreni

• Erhurigbedi

• Evwreni

• Ivwrorode

• Iwrorha

• Unenurhie

5 Owheru

• Agadama

• Aghanubi

• Akabanisi

List of Local Government Area In Delta State

• Avwon

• Erhuigbedi

• Erhuruwe

• Iwre-Egbo

• Ogode

• Oguname

• Ohoro

• Ophori-Uwedjor

• Ophrororo

• Oreba

• Owarovwon

• Uwheru

• Uwriche

• Uyode

6 Agbarho

• Ehwerhe

• Ekrerhavwe

• Ikweghwu

• Iteregbi

Complete List of Delta State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

• Oguname

• Ohrerhe

• Okan

• Okorikpere

• Ophori

• Orho-Agbarho

• Orhokpokpo

• Oviri

• Ughwughelli

• Uvwiama

• Uvwiamuge

7 Orogun

• Aragba

• Eboh

• Ekrijezue

• Emonu

• Erhobaro

• Idjerhe

• Igbuku

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

• Imodje

• Obodeti

• Okoh-Idiopha

• Onyobru

• Orhokpokpo

• Orhomuru

• Orogun

• Otorho-Orogun

• Ovara-Umusu

• Ovara-Unukpo

• Sanubi

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

• Ugono

• Uzuaka

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Edo State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Complete List Of Abuja ( F.C.T ) Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Warri South LGA

1 Ode Itsekiri

• Egbokodo

• Jelu

• Obodo

• Ode-Itsekiri

• Orugbo

• Ubeji

See Also: Warri Zip Codes

• Ubuwangue

2 Ogbe – Ijoh

• Ogbe-Ijoh

3 Gbene-Matu

• Bekokodia

• Okerenghigho

• Ubagboro

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

List of Local Government Area In Delta State

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List of Delta State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages in Warri North LGA

1 Koko

• Abegborode

• Ajamogha

• Arunologbo

• Bresibi

• Koko

• Nana

• Young-Town

2 Bennin River

• Ayogboro

• Batere

• Deghele

• Dudu-Town

See Also: Asaba L.G.A Zip Codes

• Eghoro

• Gbokoda

• Jakpa

• Kolokolo

• Ogheye

• Oke

• Oru-Megege

• Tebu

• Tisun

• Ugbege

3 Egbeoma

• Aleima

• Bear-Town

See Also:Map Of Delta State

• Brohimi

• Odububa

• Ogbinbirin

• Ogbudugbodu

• Okoromado

• Opuama

4 Ugbo-Rodo

• Aja-Eded

• Madogho

• Ogidigben

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

• Ubaoke

• Ugbegugun

• Ugborodo

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Local Government Area In Delta State

Complete List of Delta State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

List of Towns and Villages in Okpe LGA

List of Towns and Villages in Okpe LGA

  • Amuokpokpo
  • Elume
  • Igbimidaka
  • Inabome
  • Jakpa
  • Ogiedi
  • Okuoke
  • Olan
  • Onoghro
  • Oyohe

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

List of Local Government Area In Delta State

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

List of Local Government Area In Lagos

Complete List of Delta State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages