List of Towns and Villages in Ushongo LGA

Ushongo is a Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Lessel.

Ushongo District

  1. Abayol
  2. Abuul
  3. Adeeger
  4. Adiga
  5. Adikipo Mbaagwa
  6. Agoyo
  7. Akoko
  8. Alu
  9. Ameraga
  10. Antyu
  11. Atuuku
  12. Banji
  13. Ber-Agbum
  14. Boor
  15. Chubu
  16. Danji
  17. Ge-Mbayem
  18. Gege
  19. Ikyobo
  20. Kartyo
  21. Kwabula
  22. Laadi
  23. Lessel
  24. Madugwu
  25. Moti
  26. Msa
  27. Mtsenan
  28. Posu
  29. Tema
  30. Terna
  31. Tse-Nyagba
  32. Tse-Pan-Anum
  33. Tsedum
  34. Tuamade
  35. Tzongahar
  36. Uazande
  37. Uga
  38. Ugondo
  39. Uso
  40. Waapera
  41. Wajir
  42. Wuha
  43. Yaji
  44. Yam

Markurdi Town Area Zip Codes

Complete List of Benue State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

Mbagba District

  1. Abia
  2. Achuura
  3. Agbuudu
  4. Akile Village
  5. Antiev Mbele
  6. Atekombo
  7. Aunde
  8. Bage
  9. Boikyaa
  10. Buter
  11. Chubu
  12. Fiuji
  13. Goge
  14. Ichigh Iorliam
  15. Igbee
  16. Orihundu
  17. Tse-Gbande
  18. Tsumba
  19. Yese

List of Local Government Area In Benue

Utange District

  1. Ajekwue
  2. Akerior
  3. Gbinde
  4. Ikpo-Azande

Mbaikyaa District

  1. Gbatse
  2. Hegha
  3. Igbor
  4. Ikpakpam
  5. Korinjo
  6. Nor
  7. Tarungwa
  8. Ushongo

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Ikov District

  1. Dughen
  2. Gbaka
  3. Hiiton Orbiam
  4. Manor
  5. Mbai-Igbaikyor
  6. Sati
  7. Tse-Abada
  8. Tse-Gbinde
  9. Tse-Sokpo
  10. Ude
  11. Uker

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

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