List of Towns and Villages in Ohaozara LGA

Uburu District

  1. Amaenu
  2. Amegu
  3. Ihenu
  4. Mgbom
  5. Obiozara
  6. Ogwu
  7. Ubuaba
  8. Umuagwu-Oke
  9. Umuaneketa
  10. Umuanum
  11. Umuchima
  12. Umuobuma
  13. Umuodu-Igbo
  14. Urobo

List of Local Government Area In Ebonyi State

Okoposi District

  1. Amachi
  2. Amelu Agu
  3. Amenu
  4. Anaeko/Mebiokpa
  5. Mebiowa
  6. Mgbom/Achara
  7. Okposi Okwu
  8. Umuekma
  9. Umuka
  10. Umunuka

List of Towns and Villages in Ebonyi State

Ugwu-Langwu District

  1. Amaegudu
  2. Amelu
  3. Amenu
  4. Anata
  5. Mgbom
  6. Ohachara
  7. Ufuezeraku
  8. Ufuovoke
  9. Umuifere
  10. Umuigboke

Akaeze District

  1. Akaeze Ukwu
  2. Ihenta
  3. Iijioji
  4. Umuobor

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

Ishiagu District

  1. Afikpo Road
  2. Amaeke
  3. Amaeze
  4. Amagu
  5. Amaokwe
  6. Amaonye
  7. Amata
  8. Eziato
  9. Ihiali
  10. Ihie I
  11. Ihietutu
  12. Nguogwo
  13. Nzerem
  14. Obinagu
  15. Ogwor
  16. Okue

Complete List of Ebonyi State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

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