All posts by bevaseder

List of Towns and Villages in Aba South LGA

  • Akoli
  • Amanfuru
  • Asaeme
  • Ihieorji
  • Ndiegoro
  • Nnetu
  • Ohabiam
  • Umuagbai
  • Umumba
  • Umuosi
  • Abaukwu
  • Ariaria
  • Asaokpuja
  • Eziukwu
  • Obuda

Recommended: History Of Abia State

List of Towns and Villages in Aba North LGA

List of Towns and Village In Abia State

List of Local Government Area In Abia State

Complete List of Abia State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Towns, Villages and Zip Codes Of Abuja (F.C.T)

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Villages in Aba North LGA

  • Ogbo
  • Umuola-Egbelu
  • Umuola-Okpulor
  • Eziama
  • Osusu
  • Umuokoji
  • Uratta

Recommended: History Of Abia State

List of Towns and Villages in Aba South LGA

List of Towns and Village In Abia State

List of Local Government Area In Abia State

Complete List of Abia State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Towns, Villages and Zip Codes Of Abuja (F.C.T)

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Towns and Village In Abia State

List of Towns and Villages in Aba North LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Aba South LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Arochukwu LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Bende LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Ikwuano LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Isiala Ngwa North LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Isiala Ngwa South LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Isukwuato LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Obioma Ngwa LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Ohafia LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Osisioma Ngwa LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Ugwunagbo LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Ukwa East LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Ukwa West LGA
List of Towns and Villages in Umunneochi LGA

Recommended: History Of Abia State

List of Local Government Area In Borno

1 Askira/Uba

2 Bama

3 Bayo

4 Biu

5 Chibok

6 Damboa

7 Dikwa

8 Gubio

9 Guzamala

10 Gwoza

11 Hawul

12 Jere

Maiduguri Town Area Zip Codes

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

13 Kaga

14 Kala/Balge

15 Konduga

16 Kukawa

17 Kwaya Kusar

18 Mafa

19 Magumeri

20 Maiduguri

21 Marte

22 Mobbar

Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List of Borno State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

23 Monguno

24 Ngala

25 Nganzai

26 Shani

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Local Government Area In Benue

List of Local Governments In Benue State

  1. Ado
  2. Agatu
  3. Apa
  4. Buruku
  5. Gboko
  6. Guma
  7. Gwer East
  8. Gwer West
  9. Katsina-Ala
  10. Konshisha
  11. Kwande
  12. Logo
  13. Makurdi
  14. Obi
  15. Ogbadibo
  16. Oju
  17. Okpokwu
  18. Ohimini
  19. Oturkpo
  20. Tarka
  21. Ukum
  22. Ushongo
  23. Vandeikya

List of Towns and Villages in Benue State

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

List of Local Government Area In Benue

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

Complete List of Benue State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.

Complete List Of Lagos State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

List of Local Government Area In Bauchi

1 Bauchi
2 Bogoro
3 Damban
4 Darazo
5 Dass
6 Ganjuwa
7 Giade
8 Itas/Gadau
9 Jama’are
10 Katagum
11 Kirfi
12 Misau
13 Ningi
14 Shira
15 Tafawa-Balewa
16 Toro
17 Warji
18 Zaki

Bauchi Town Area Zipcodes

Bauchi State Zip Code

Postal Codes For All Nigerian States

List of Towns and Villages In Nigeria By States

See The Nigeria Zip Code – To Use Online

Complete List of Bauchi State Zip Codes, Towns & Villages

Distance By Road In Kilometers Between Nigerian Cities.